Industrial Automation Repairs, Spares & Service

Industrial Automation Repairs, Spares and Service

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Take our survey

Click the face that represents how you feel about our service.



To receive 10% discount, click next below to complete the additional questions (takes less than 1 minute) or you can close this screen.*

Comparing Lektronix to our competitor(s), how would you rate us on:


*If we impressed you OR if we could do better please tell us?

*Who did you compare us against?

*Where did you hear about us?

*Annual spend on Industrial Automation Repairs?

Thank You

Thank you for you feedback. At Lektronix, we take customer service very seriously and all of your comments will help us to ensure that we are always striving to deliver the best customer service.

As a thank you for taking the time to fill out our survey we are giving you 10% off your next repair with Lektronix. We will send an email to containing your unique promotional code. The email will be sent from When you place your next repair order with us please forward this email along with your order.

*Terms and Conditions apply. 10% discount is valid on your next repair order placed within the next 90 days. Once the survey has been completed you will receive a unique code by email. The code can only be used once and must be forwarded via email to Lektronix Customer Services before proceeding with the repair.
By submitting the survey you agree for us to use any comments submitted for promotional purposes. This could include use of the text on any of our digital or print channels.

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